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作者:管理员 来源:国际部点击数: 发布时间:2016-06-07


丰同学,创新国际班2010级学生,今年五月以全A的成绩从美国明尼苏达大学 双城分校 儿童心理学专业毕业。明尼苏达大学双城分校(University of Minnesota, Twin Cities),1851年建立,是美国最著名的公立研究型大学之一,世界一流的学术研究机构。世界诺贝尔奖获奖人数排名第26位,2016年USNEWS全球大学排名第29位,2015年世界大学学术排名(ARWU)全球第30位。学校在美国公立大学排名中始终保持前20位,亦有公立常春藤之称。其儿童心理学专业全美专业排名第一。 必赢网址bwi437

美国明尼苏达大学 双城分校

On May 15th, 2016 at 4:00PM, I finally walked on the university graduation commencement, which is what I have been dreaming about ever since I was an elementary kid. Although it’s been a long journey from elementary school till now, time past really fast. Several years ago kids called me older sister, now they call me auntie. Many of my friends are getting married recently too. I just cannot believe how time flies! Thus, one of my suggestions to new university students or younger is not to complain about the long journey till graduation but to make every day count. How can I make every day count?I really regret that I just studied everyday without much socialization over my undergraduate years. By doing so I missed out a lot of time making friends and building professional network. Thus, I really should have (you also should) make the most of your undergraduate years by participating in school organizations and events.
Many of you might also think that I am finally relieved from all the pressure because now my graduation dream came true. But the truth is, this is just the start of a new journey. After graduation from undergraduate school, I will go to graduate school, will find a job, plan to get married and have children etc. The list will just go on and on. Thus my suggestion for you is not to idolize your graduation, thinking that graduation is your final goal. Instead, I strongly recommend you to enjoy the learning and the critical thinking processes themselves.
Combining my ideas so far—time past fast and our goal or task list will just go on and on—I strongly recommend you to think about what you really want in your life. In other words, what is your life purpose. Getting 4.0 GPA or finding your Mr. or Mrs. Right are goals but not purpose. Since you, as students,  still have plenty of time to sit down and think clearly and since life only gets busier, I plead with you to treasure your university years to think critically about the knowledge being taught to you. Test your knowledge, and finally confirm or reject your knowledge.
After stating my sincere suggestions to students and the reasoning behind them, I want to give a lot of thank-yous to my loved ones and to those who supported or hindered my journey to graduation. I want to say thank-you to my mom, who never complains about how much she needs to do in order to ensure my academic success and optimal development. I remember she saves all the money just for my tuition and my US living expenses, but she lives a very simple life with my dad. Speaking of my dad, although he does not have a lot of money, he is the man I love the most on earth. He would spend whatever he could on me while he sacrifices his own comfort. I want to say thank-you to my grandma (my mom’s mother) who cooks me good foods and supports me financially. I want to say thank-you to my uncle (my mom’s younger brother) who does not talk much but who supports me in what I believe and in what I do.
I want to give sincere thanks to my dear friends who give me emotional comforts when I am depressed, who love me when all peers reject me, who help me when I need help, who often care for me, and who love the way that I am made.
Moreover, I want to thank all the teachers who had made an impact on my life. I have had so many great teachers, but here I will just highlight a few. First, I want to thank my Seattle biology teacher who was the first person ever telling me that evolution is a theory and challenged me to think critically about my knowledge. Second, I want to thank teacher Jin and Guo who made my study in America possible and who keep supporting me while I am in the U.S. I was among the first group of students in their program. Because of this, many things could go wrong at that time. Through their endless effort, our first group of students was able to launch into the U.S.  I recall many of my difficult times in the U.S., but I also remember that teacher Jin and Guo helped me throughout these times: transferring to my four-year college, encouraging and supporting me when I am unconfident or wanting to give up. At first I sadly thought that my relationship with teacher Jin and Guo will end by the time I entered the U.S., because I thought that I will be all on my own in the U.S. I am so thankful that we are still in touch and become friends with one another.
In addition, I also want to give thanks to those who made my life tough because through my time with them I learned more about myself, my weakness, and I am motivated by them to deal with my weaknesses. Without their presence in my life, I cannot be the person that I am now.
As I look into the future, I know there are lots of sweetness and bitterness and hardships ahead. But I am not afraid because everyday I have hope, and everyday is a new start of my life.
